How to apply for a Turkish residence permit and obtain a Turkish citizenship by investing in Turkey?

turkish residence permit

There are different ways to help in your application for Turkish citizenship and a Turkish residence permit,  besides the standard process, such as by purchasing real estate or by investing a certain amount of money. In this post, we will summarise the steps for obtaining a Turkish residence permit and a Turkish citizenship, by making an investment in Turkey.

The conditions for obtaining a Turkish residence permit and citizenship through investment, are defined in the Turkish Citizenship Law. Significant changes were last made by the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law in May 2022.

So, as of May 2022, the requirements for obtaining Turkish citizenship include one of the following:

  • Purchasing real estate worth 400,000 US dollars or more, and alsomaking an annotation on the title of deed in the Land Registry stating that the property will not be sold for three years.
  • Making a capital investment of at least 500,000 US dollars, or of an equivalent amount in other currency  or Turkish lira.
  • Making a real estate sales promise contract for a condominium or for floor easement worth at least 400,000 dollars, or equivalent. The contract must be made at a notary and cannot be transferred for at least three years.
  • Creating employment for at least 50 people in Turkey
  • Depositing 500,000 US dollars or its equivalent in foreign currency or Turkish Lira in a Turkish bank, on condition that the amount cannot be withdrawn for at least three years.
  • Purchasing government debt instruments worth at least 500,000 US dollars, or equivalent, on condition that they are held for at least three years.
  • Purchasing  shares in a real estate investment participation fund or a venture capital investment participation fund, worth at least 500,000 US dollars or equivalent, and holding them for at least three years.
  • Contributing at least 500,000 US dollars, or equivalent, to the private pension system, provided that it is kept in the funds determined by the Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency, and that it remains in the system for at least three years.

There are different types of documents that are required, depending on the method used. However, in all a cases, besides the specific documents concerning the investment, the following documents will also be requested:

  1. Passport and its notarised official translation
  2. Apostilled birth certificate and its notarised official translation
  3. Apostilled family registry document and its notarised official translation
  4. An official document proving marital status, which must be Apostilled and notarised
  5. Eight biometric photos
  6. A Power of Attorney to a lawyer in Turkey who will represent you
  7. Health insurance

After fulfilling the above conditions have been fulfilled, one can apply for Turkish residence permit through investment. However, this does not automatically guarantee that citizenship will be granted. Ultimately, the decision falls on the State of Turkey, which will accept a citizenship application only if it deems it desirable.

At UT Legal, with our experienced and specialised immigration lawyers, we can assist you by representing you in the entire process for Turkish residence permit, and we can help assure that your application will not be rejected due to some omission, by fully complying with all requirements. Our team of experts will listen to you, discuss your needs with you, and will then guide you through each step of the process, ensuring that your application is handled both efficiently and effectively. 

If you have any questions or enquiries about obtaining Turkish residence permit, Turkish citizienship and a work permit in Turkey, please contact UT Legal, and we will be happy to discuss your specific needs and inform you on the process.


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